The TextView DLL for Windows 3 TextView is a system that provides a Windows 3 application with the ability to write lines of text to a window with the minimum of effort. TextView itself handles all the many operations needed to manage the window displaying the text; you need only call the function that writes the text, in exactly the same way as you would call printf in a DOS application. You can create as many TextView windows as you require, and all will operate independently. TextView windows can be resized by the user, minimized, maximized and scrolled horizontally and vertically with no work needed by the application. They can also have File menus that notify the application when the user requests that the window contents be written to disk. TextView windows can, of course, be used for an infinite variety of purposes. One possibility is to use TextView to provide a way of outputting tracing and debugging information when developing an application. Included with the system are the sources for a demonstration application that contain a flexible tracing system that may be incorporated into your own code. TextView is supplied as a Dynamic Link Library or DLL. In this form it is not added to the application's code at link time, but instead is bound to it dynamically by Windows whenever an application needing it is run. All applications using TextView will share the same code segments, making it very efficient in memory utilisation. What you need to use TextView ----------------------------- In order to use TextView you will need to have a suitable compiler that can generate Windows 3 code, such as Microsoft C 6.0. The TextView functions follow the same conventions as used in the Windows API, and their descriptions later in this guide use the same layout as in the Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference. Distribution and Use of TextView -------------------------------- TextView is Copyright (c) Alan Phillips 1991. It may be freely distributed by anyone, to anyone. Apart from reasonable media and handling costs, no charge may be levied for its distribution. It may be stored on Bulletin Board systems and other archives so long as all the files comprising the original distribution are included. It may be repackaged to suit the storage conventions in use for the system concerned. It may not be distributed as part of commercial disk libraries without the prior agreement of the author. TextView may be freely used in any non-commercial Windows application. Authors of such applications may include the TextView DLL with the products either with or without the other files comprising the full distribution set. However, such application should include in their documentation (or should display in their About dialog box or in their online help) that they are using TextView, and should list the author's copyright. The demonstration sources supplied with TextView may be freely adapted and included in other applications as required. Authors of ShareWare or commercial products may not use TextView without the author's written permission. Disclaimer ---------- TextView is distributed on an as is basis. No guarantee is offered, and none should be inferred, of its correct functionality, nor of its suitability for any task whatsoever. The author accepts no liability for any loss or damage whatsoever caused as a result of using TextView with any application, whether written by the user or a third party.